Although we were extremely pleased to be Winning Alliance Captains, we were even more honored when we won the prestigious Inspire Award after receiving numerous nominations for awards in other categories. The Inspire award is presented to the team who the judges believe best encompass all the various qualities of FIRST and FTC. In addition to our successful robot, our team also presented a detailed Engineering Notebook and delivered a strong Judging Session, key factors of our success. As a rookie team, this award was especially validating because of all the hard work, determination, and perseverance that went into both technical and non-technical aspects of our team – that too, in our first tournament ever.
Last year, during our Relic Recovery season, we were crowned Winning Alliance Captains of our League’s Qualifying Tournament. After playing through all of our matches, we came out in first place with 30 Qualifying Points as the only undefeated team in the tournament. As Alliance Captains, we were able to choose our sister team, 12808 RevAmped Robotics, and 750 Gears in Motion to be our Alliance Partners. After winning every elimination match by a margin of up to 188 points, our alliance won the tournament, making us the Winning Alliance Captain of the Rose City/Tualatin Valley League Qualifying Tournament.